Drafting Tales Crack


  1. Drafting Tales Crack Game
Drafting tales crack game

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Drafting Tales Crack

Chapter 1
Once upon a time, a boy named Davie had to stay with
his Aunt Amy while his parents visited Europe. Being only 10
years old, Davie wasn't allowed to go. Instead, he got
dropped off at his aunt's house to spend the summer.
Now, Aunt Amy was known as a strict disciplinarian and
felt no qualms about administering proper punishment. She
delighted in making the punishment fit the crime. At 28
years of age, she had seen a lot, and though she had never
had children of her own, she felt sure she would have no
problem caring for the needs of a ten year old.
When Davie was left off and his parents finally had
said their last good-byes, and Amy and Davie were finally
alone, Amy, having never been around children, inadvertently
asked Davie, 'So, are you toilet trained yet, or what, I
mean how much assistance do you need?'
'What do you mean?' Davie replied.
'Oh, I just want to know if you still need to wear
diapers or anything like that. I'm not used to having
youngsters in my house and I'm not sure what you need. I
bought a couple of dozen diapers, just in case, but you
don't have to wear them if you don't need them.'
Davie was taken aback by his aunt's belief that he
might actually still need to wear diapers. He really wanted
to tell her yes, but he was afraid to. Davie had longed to
wear diapers for as long as he could remember. He had even
worn several pairs of underwear at one time and pretended
that they were diapers. He didn't know if she was kidding or
not, so he chickened out and told her he hadn't worn diapers
for years. His aunt noticed how long it took him to answer,
but said nothing.
Soon, it was time to go to bed. Aunt Amy led him to
the bedroom he would be sleeping in for the summer. On a
shelf, Davie noticed a large stack of cloth diapers. There
were also pins and plastic pants on the shelf. Aunt Amy
followed his gaze and laughed. 'I feel kind of silly now,'
she said, 'Don't worry I'll put them up in the attic first
thing in the morning.' She kissed Davie goodnight and left
the room, closing the door behind her.
Davie got undressed and climbed into bed, but he
couldn't get the diapers out of his mind. He lied there
until he was sure his aunt was asleep, sneaked out of bed
and got some diapers, pins and a pair of the plastic pants.
He brought them back to bed with him he was so excited he
could hardly breathe.
With some difficulty, he managed to pin the diapers on
and pull up the plastic pants He was in heaven he wished he
could wear diapers all the time.
Davie had planned on wearing the diapers for only an
hour or so, but somehow he fell asleep. He woke when his
aunt shook him awake. 'Get up, sleepyhead,' she said,
pulling back the covers. There, Davie lied in diapers and
plastic pants. He was mortified. Aunt Amy put her hand
inside the front of his diaper, and to his dismay,
discovered he was wet.
'Well, well, what have we here? Looks like someone wet
the bed.' Davie just looked down at his feet, too
embarrassed to say anything.
'Well, why don't you come to the kitchen and eat your
breakfast while I decide what I'm going to do with you.' She
looked amused rather than angry, but she told him he could
just stay in the diaper until after breakfast.
Davie wondered how he had fallen asleep like that. Did
he subconsciously want to get caught? Is that why he had wet
the bed for the first time in over five years? What he
wondered was what was his aunt going to do to him? He went
to the kitchen in the wet diaper to eat his breakfast.
Chapter 2
Davie dejectedly entered the kitchen, dressed only in
his wet diaper and plastic pants. He noticed he hadn't done
a very good job in diapering himself; if it weren't for the
plastic pants the diapers would have surely fallen off, the
ultimate embarrassment. His Aunt Amy silently fed him a
large breakfast, musing and perhaps a bit amused as well.
She made him drink two large glasses of prune juice, just to
keep him healthy. Finally she spoke:
'Davie, I noticed how long it took you to answer when
I asked if you still needed diapers yesterday. Then this
morning, I find you not only wearing them, but wet as well.
I know the pressure your parents give you with school and
all. So I think that you really would like to be babied if
only for a little while. Is this how you feel?'
Davie found himself blurting out his secret desires to
be treated like a baby again. He felt embarrassed and yet
strangely relieved to be baring his soul after all those
years of hiding his true feelings, and feeling that he was
the only person in the whole world to feel this way.
Aunt Amy gave him a big hug, kissed him and said, 'If
it would make you feel better, you can wear diapers and be
my baby all summer long. I just have one or two rules; One I
will put your diapers on you, the way they're sagging, its
obvious you can't do a proper job of it yourself. Two, you
can take them off at any time, but once you do, that's it,
you'll never get to wear them again. I mean it, you can wear
them as long as you want, but if you ask to have them off,
you won't be able to wear them any more.'
Davie found himself agreeing to let his aunt diaper him
and keep him as her baby. In short, she was going to be in
charge of every aspect of his life.
'All right then,' she said. 'Back to your room, baby,
Its time to change your diaper.'
Chapter 3
Aunt Amy led Davie back to his room with the intention
of changing his diapers, although Davie really wanted to
wear the diapers, he was starting to get cold feet.
'What if she tells my mom? What if my friends find
He might have backed out of the whole thing if at that
moment he hadn't seen his aunt's beatific expression. She
really wanted to take care of a baby and he had lucked out
beyond his wildest dreams.
He decided to ask the deciding question: If I am to be
your baby, may I be a true baby, or must I still use the
toilet? I just don't want you to get mad at me if I do
something you don't want me to do.'
She replied, 'Honey, if you are my baby I won't get
mad, no matter what you do unless you call it off by asking
to have them off. I've never had a real baby. Can you be
mine for a little while at least?'
She finally changed his diaper. Davie's Aunt Amy was
wasting no time. She knew if she let Davie get a chance to
think about it, he just might realize why she had left the
diapers in his room to begin with. She had hoped that he
would try them on. Everything had worked out better than her
best scenario; she was about to change Davie's diaper less
than 24 hours after his arrival.
Amy knew that Davie's mother had hurried him through
life, insisting that he achieve goals, perform formally and
informally well beyond his years since he was an infant. His
mother had started toilet training him when he was only 10
months old. He had maintained an A+ average in school or
else! The poor kid had never had a chance to have a
childhood, much less an infancy; She wanted to give him one.
Davie followed his aunt back into the bedroom with
trepidation, He had been in total control of his every
function since he couldn't remember, and he wasn't sure he
was ready to relinquish control, but, oh, how he longed to
just be taken care of, and here was his chance. He lied down
on the bed with his eyes closed and opened his legs. If she
wanted to change him, he would let her. Aunt Amy put new
diapers on Davie and a bond was formed.
Amy felt a thrill of elation as she removed Davies ill
attached diapers; The boy really needs someone to take care
of him. She proceeded to properly pin him into fresh, clean
diapers, remembering to oil and powder him profusely so as
to avoid an unpleasant diaper rash.
Davie felt funny but nice as his aunt administered to
his needs He didn't really need diapers but it felt good to
let go of all the pressures he had let build up what with
keeping straight A's and all his extracurricular activities.
He sighed and let go his inhibitions.
Aunt Amy had fed Davie a very nutritious breakfast, It
also contained natural laxatives and diuretics. She couldn't
believe that he had actually asked for more prune juice. She
was going to test his resolve. Ah, but who was testing whom?
Chapter 4
After having his diaper changed this time so it would
probably stay till the second coming, aunt Amy seemed to be
an expert diaper administrator. aunt Amy led Davie to the
living room where he was to play whilst she did her morning
He enjoyed playing with the blocks and stacking rings
for awhile, but lets face it, Davie was not really a baby;
he was a highly intelligent 10 year old. He soon became
bored and started to explore his aunt's house.
He looked for a while in the closets, but there were
only coats and stuff. Then he looked in the bathroom, but no
one had left any turds in the bowl, so he couldn't play
submarine. (Authors note: I played this game as a child and
I will give you the rules If you ask me at my email address)
Davie then decided to do the forbidden. His aunt had
mentioned that her bedroom was sancrosanct. In other words
off limits, what could be more adventurous? He listened and
heard her puttering around the kitchen, so he guessed he was
Davie opened the door to his aunt's bedroom with some
trepidation being off limits he felt there might be creepy
crawlies in their, or boogie men or even dead bodies, but
there was only a four poster bed a dresser and an
interesting cedar hope chest at the foot of the bed. Davie
couldn't resist as he opened the hope chest and looked
Actually he was pretty disappointed, he wanted to see
gore and stuff and all he saw was a lot of girl stuff. Then
he saw this thing with a cord and plug coming out of it. He
pulled it out and it looked funny what was, it was rubber
and looked like a carrot or a stick, but it was soft like
rubber. Davie decided to plug it in, being curious as to its
purpose; it started to tremble when he plugged it in.
'Oh, I know what this is!' he exclaimed. 'This is one
of those electric erasers that those kids in drafting use.
He looked for some paper and a pencil made some scribbles,
and sure enough, the big vibrating eraser started to do the
Whilst our errant hero was transfixed with the
complexities of the vibrating electric eraser, Aunt Amy had
quietly entered the room . Oh she had him now, she had him
'WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!' Aunt Amy exclaimed.
'YOU HAVE GONE INTO MY ROOM! Now I'm going to have to punish
you, do you hear me!'
Yes ma'am,' Davie replied with an apprehensive look.
You'll get more than you bargained for now [ maybe more
than I bargained for too she glowered.]
'Oh jeezley crow!' Aunt Amy looked really mad as she
drug Davie out of her room. She no longer had that look of
loving acceptance She had had before, Now she looked like
she really meant business. 'Okay, sport, since you can't
keep your nose where it belongs then I'll just have to see
to it that you can't go wandering anymore. And you just lost
the privilege of choosing whether or not you can take those
diapers off; you'll wear and use them for the next two
weeks, whether you want to or not.
Just then Davie started to feel the prune juice he had
drank starting to take effect. He had planned to call it off
before he actually had to go poo. And now his Aunt was
telling him he no longer had a choice in the matter.
'Please, Aunt Amy I've really got to go to the
bathroom. I won't go in your room any more, I promise. I
don't want to play this game anymore!'
'Well, that's just too bad cause it is no longer a
game,' said Aunt Amy.
'But I really have to go and I don't want to poop my
'You should of thought of that before you went into my
room,' she said.
Davie tried, but his bowels would not be denied totally
against his will. His spinchters began to relax and the
waste product of his body expelled into the diapers. He had
only intended for a short little excursion into regression.
His bladder, also being full, soon started emptying
itself. Davie was mortified, yet some how thrilled. Just to
show his aunt that he could play this game too, he pushed a
little more and added to the load.
Davie's rebellion didn't last too long. The cocky way
he had defied his aunt's new rules by purposely pooping in
his diaper didn't seem like such a good idea now. She hadn't
changed him in two hours and he was starting to get
Just then, the doorbell rang, Davie sat horrified in
his own filth as the ladies of Aunt Amy's bridge club
convened for their cat talk bridge and smidgen of gossip,
don't you know? Davie wanted to hide, but the women saw him
before he could get away.
They teased him a little then became very matter fact
about the proper way to change diapers and how old was too
old for a boy to be diapered.
By and by, one of these garrulous old hens noticed that
Davie's diaper stank to the high heavens and all decided at
once to honor him with a change. Davie wasn't sure that he
really wanted all this attention. But he was going to get it
They held him down as they changed his diaper. No
playtime, this. No, this diaper was meant for business It
was six layers thick and could contain easily two quarts of
liquid soon to be supplied by our hapless hero Davie. Well,
of course after the diapering ALL the ladies wanted to adopt
or at least baby sit for lil' Davie, whatever would he do?
Well, the years went by, Davie's parents never came
back from Europe. His Aunt Amy never let him out of diapers
And her lady friends helped to keep him pure.

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Drafting Tales Crack Game