Vasilis Crack


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Vasilis Skliros

As industry data indicate that online fraud and identity theft occur every three seconds, we always believed that there must be a better way to secure human-computer interaction than what was currently present. So, we got to work and in 2014 we found an innovative way to address this industry-wide problem. Confirming people’s true identity with stringent processes, associating that identity with the mobile device, and then allowing a secure software token to transact with all applications and workflows was the goal. A goal, that was achieved after years of effort. Our technology is applied to all transactions that happen in a corporate world between employees and IT applications, between partner ecosystems and the company and in extension in the larger scale between the company and its consumers.

We have cracked the code on doing this in a scalable and frictionless fashion with non-repudiation and integrity. We are mission focused – we adopt where we should and invent when we must. Now, we are being asked to employ the same technologies on new challenges faced by IoT where the scale is larger and the canvas broader.

We are forging ahead with innovations in a vast array of use cases and see limitless possibilities for our fledgling company.

Vasilis Polychronidis

At iCrypto, as CEO, President, and Co-Founder, Dr. Polychronidis is responsible for the Company’s Vision, Direction, Strategy, SI & Channel strategy and onboarding, Development of key relationships with vendors and customers.
Prior to iCrypto, Vasilis served in various leadership positions at Openwave,, @mobile and ATT.
Vasilis, has a proven track record of always delivering on the company objectives against all odds. During his career was able through his direct involvement to generate more than $1B in sales and company savings. Carrion: deluxe edition for mac. Vasilis, earned a B.Sc in Physics, a M.Sc. in Physics, a M.SC. in EE and a Ph.D. in Physics.
Dr. Polychronidis has filed and awarded numerous Patents related to telecommunications, mobile presence, wireless displays, identity management and access control.

Peter Hartmaier

Peter Hartmaier is iCrypto's Vice President of Business Development. He is responsible for the formation of strategic business partnerships, negotiation of associated contracts.
Prior to iCrypto, Peter had a proven career track record in innovation, leadership, sales, implementation, and efficiency.
Peter co-founded which was acquired by for $550M as well as Hyran Media Systems and thrives in a startup culture.
Peter earned his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Toronto.
Peter has been awarded nine patents in the telecommunications field.

Adarbad Master

Adarbad Master is the CTO and Co-Founder of iCrypto. He is responsible for Product innovation, Architecture, Engineering direction and Intellectual portfolio,
Adarbad Master has provided executive leadership to multiple startups and technical consulting to several Fortune 500 companies over a period of twenty (25) years. Pretty angel for mac. His specific areas of expertise lie in Web Services, Identity Management, Telecom services, scalable distributed computing and large database system design and deployment. His projects have ranged from carrier class messaging platforms, to complete installation of large-scale service provider portals.
Adarbad, earned a B.Sc in ME as well as a M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering.
His technology innovations have led to several patents in diverse fields as Messaging Systems, Identity Management, Cryptography and Mobile Data.


iCrypto prides itself on the talent of its people, a zest for change, and above all, a vision for fraud prevention. The company is thriving under the guidance and leadership of some of the brightest minds and most experienced executives in the hi-tech industry.

Technology Innovation

As technology pioneers, iCrypto is delivering new products and services that are re-writing the rules of fraud prevention by delivering simple, secure access and transactions on a cutting-edge cloud-based platform for mid to large enterprises in retail, online gaming and insurance industries worldwide.

Mobile & Security

The management team has decades of experience from over16 software startups and companies representing security, mobile operators, carriers and enterprise software such as, Openwave, AT&T, Epok, Bell Canada, Bank of Montreal, T-Mobile, Google, and Accelor-Mittal.

A Vasili is a man of Greek descent. Vasili is the direct translation from the name William in English. Vasili is a very common name in Greece. A Vasili is usually very smart, hot, tall, romantic, pretty much the ideal for women (Tall, dark, and handsome). Vasili's will usually date women who are beautiful and nurturing because they like to be taken care of. They take no for an answer because of their stubbornness and that may create conflict with anyone.
Gracie: Hey, who's that? He is really handsome.
AT: oh that guy- that's vasili,he's Greek, yea a lot of girls like him, he's too much of a ladies man though, you should stay away.
Gracie: oh..too bad (as she keeps looking)
AT: omg he's coming over here! don't speak to him!
{Gracie runs out of the club as Vasili goes after her and grabs her hand and begins dancing with her.}
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1. From the Greek word 'Vasilias', meaning King or Royalty. To rule and dominate everything and anything that crosses it's path. Coming into contact with a Vasilis could be the most dangerous yet satisfying encounter you could possibly have.
2. In medical terms, Vasilis is often used in place of the term 'crowning' during pregnancy. When the baby's head has passed through the birth canal and the top or 'crown' stays visible at the vaginal opening.
John Doe - 'I just ran into a Vasilis I owed money to and now I'm missing my left arm.'
Jane Doe - 'Are you serious?!'
John Doe - 'I'm bleeding pretty severely. Call 911.'
John Doe - 'Wow did you hear what happened in Haiti?'
Jane Doe - 'Yeah massive Vasilis style earthquake.'
That baby is Vasilising its way through that vagina.
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Vasili is just as thicc as big Chungus.
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When a man anally rapes another man using Greek yogurt as lubricant, and then proceeds to eat the yogurt
Whats that white stuff all over his face? Oh it's just some left overyogurt from the dirty Vasili I pulled on that guy last night

Vasilis Cattery

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A Vasili is a stubborn big boy with tiny cheeks. He is Greek. He is really bad at video games and he hates pigs. Pigs usually annoy him by kicking him.
by J-u-i-c-e April 05, 2020
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